68 Patriots

Virginians became attached to continental line regiments soon after the Revolution developed into a military action. While the units were raised in the state, they came under the control of the Continental Congress.
Daniel Agee
Robert Armstrong
Mark Arnold
Jonathan Beckwith
Marmaduke Beckwith
John Bushong
John Cabell
James Carothers
Thomas Cassidy
John Chapman
Elihu Chilcot
Charles Christian
Samuel Cochran
Major Colonna
John Craig
William Crawford
Thomas Drake
Christopher Eye
James Foley
John Follin
Isaac Fouche
William McDowell Fouche
Chandler Fowlkes
Phillip Gatewood
Salathiel Goff
Robert Hamilton
John Hearne
Henry Hedrick
Patrick Henry
John Hereford Jr
Joseph Hillman
Nathaniel Hughes
John Humber
Benjamin Ingraham
John Levever
John Lewis
William Lewis
John Lillard
Christopher Lindemuth
Matthias Link
Peter Loucks
Nathaniel Lucas
Humphrey Marshall
Thomas Marshall
Alexander McQueen
Isaac Miller
William Morris
James Neal
John Painter
Stephen Parr
James Parsons
Samuel Paxton
Henry Peyton
Joseph Piatt
Abraham Pitsbarger
Levin Powell
Conrad Rader
John Rennick
Zachariah Rexrode
Rowland Salmon
John Sanders
Joel Simmons
James Stewart
George Waddell
Stephen Watts
William Williams
James Wilson
Silas P. Wooten