Our Patriots

Since Harrisburg Chapter’s founding in 1894, we have amassed over 1,300 Patriot ancestors of the American Revolution specific to our Daughters, past and present. This list is a result of the dedication of two members, Deborah and Margaret, who combed through 19 volumes of applications and supplementals since our chapter was formed in 1894. The finished product was published in 2019 for our 125th Anniversary book entitled They Forged Our Path To Freedom. Our Patriots are organized by state and alphabetically by surname.
We have several Patriot biographies which were researched and written by members. If you see a name that is hyperlinked, please click on the name to read that Patriot’s biography!
The introductory paragraph for each state was taken from NSDAR’s Genealogy Guidelines Part Three: Service, Section III: States & Countries, pages 22-62.
This list is current as of July 2023.
Service Men And Women
There are four types of service men and women performed during the American Revolution that earn them the recognition of being called a DAR Patriot. Some Patriots performed more than one type of service.

Signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Photo Credit: Architect of the Capital www.aoc.gov

Military Service
Identified by the different ranks. When details of the service is unknown, the man is assigned the rank of “Soldier.”

Civil Service
Entailed public business conducted in support of the cause of political separation from England.

Patriotic Service
An act that supported the fight for American Independence. Two common types of Patriotic Service were signing an Oath of Allegiance and/or paying a Supply Tax.
See Our Patriots
Click on the images below to see our Patriots by colony, country, or those who signed the Declaration of Independence.