Harrisburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
Founded in 1894, Harrisburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, has striven to preserve the legacy of the Patriots of the Revolutionary War through demonstrations of patriotism, educational programs, and historic preservation projects. With over 190 members, Harrisburg is comprised of women from ages 18 and up who come from a wide variety of backgrounds, points-of-view, and beliefs. Our common thread is our passion in serving God, home, and country. As the site of the Pennsylvania State Capitol, the chapter through the decades has supported our military and veterans through various projects, community education programs, and the identification and preservation of cemeteries where Patriots rest.
Aside from our service committees and activities, Harrisburg Chapter, NSDAR, holds chapter meetings from October through June featuring speakers on a wide variety of subjects. Our meetings are held the second Thursday of the month, except for September, February, and June which are held on weekends. We do not host programs in July and August.
In our country, when demographics are constantly changing and history is easily forgotten, our chapter will continue to preserve the legacies of our Founding Fathers and the Patriots who served so bravely for the independence of the United States of America. If you are a woman 18 years or older who is a direct lineage descendant of the Revolutionary War and are interested in becoming a member of DAR, information can be found at the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). The statewide projects can be found at the Pennsylvania State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (PSSDAR).