110 Patriots

Ten years preceding the Lexington alarm of Apr 19, 1775, Massachusetts was in a state of unrest due to oppressive legislation by British Parliament. In Oct 1774, towns sent delegates to the First Provincial Congress held in Concord.
Benjamin Adams
John Ames
Josiah Bailey
William Baldwin
John Ball
Samuel Barrows Jr
Samuel Barrows Sr
Nicholas Baylies
Nathan Benjamin
Ebenezer Bent
William Betterly
Elkanah Bishop
Jonathan Bond
Hezekiah Boughton Sr
Thomas Bradbury
George Bridge
Amos Briggs
George Brigham
Daniel Brown
Micah Bryant
Noah Burden
John Call
Jonathan Chase
Joseph Colson Jr
Silas Cook
Jonathan Dean
Zebedee Delano
Arthur Dennison
Sylvanus Dimmick
Josiah Draper
Oliver Dresser
Jesse Dunham
Moses Eaton
Daniel Emery
Daniel Emery
William Ensign
Samuel Fellows
Daniel Forbes
Elisha Forbes
Ignatius Fuller
Jabez Gerould
Ebenezer Hartshorn
Hubbard Haskell
Jedediah Haven
Daniel Hooker
Thomas Howard
Joshua Howes
Nathaniel Hutchinson
Seth Jones
Enos Kellogg
Simeon King Jr
Simeon King Sr
Nathaniel Ladd
Gershom Flagg Lane
Benjamin Leach
Seth Lincoln
Caleb Loud
Zenas Macomber
Sampson Marvin
James Mellen
Joseph Merrick
Elias Monk
Obadiah Morse
Ariel Nims
Joseph Ruggles Paine
Robert Paine
Josiah Parsons
Peleg Peck
William Pendleton Jr
Joseph Penney
Josiah Perkins Sr
John Phillips
Smalley Phillips
Abner Pomeroy
Abel Pond
Dan Pond
Ephraim Pratt
Joel Pratt
Abel Prescott
Job Randall
John Randall
Valentine Rathburn
Adam Ravel
Zebediah Sabin
Peter Shaw
Ahimaaz Sherwin
Gad Stebbins
Abiel Stevens
John Stewart
Benjamin Stone
Silas Taft
Daniel Taft Jr
Samuel Tenney
Amherst Thompson
James Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Elkanah Tingley
Joseph Tower
James Towne
Thomas Tracy
Joel Walker
Michael Ware
Seth Waterman
Moses Wheelock
Eliphalet Whittlesey Jr
Theophilus Wilder
Stoughton Willis
Moses Worcester
Philemon Wright
Ebenezer Wyet