North Carolina
32 Patriots

In May 1775 the Mecklenburg Resolves were adopted at a public meeting at Charlotte declaring null and void all commissions granted by the King and making provisions for a new government.
Charles Abercrombie
Robert Abercrombie Sr
Adam Alexander
Thomas Allen
Christopher Barbee
John Booth
John Bradshaw
Moses Cavitt
William Coffin
Cary Cox
Joseph Darnell
Robert Ewart
John Fox
Jacob Hackleman
John Higgs
John Holloway
William Houston
James Hunter
James Jones
Drewery Massey
William Morrill
John Motley
Joshua Perry
William Roscoe
Jesse Staton
Montfort Stokes
Solomao Strickland
John Surratt
Joshua Tillman
Nathan Veech
Francis Worth