New Jersey
54 Patriots

By July 1776, the Provincial Congress representing all counties had ordered the arrest of Governor William Franklin, adopted a state constitution and resolved to support independence.
David Allen
John Anderson
Joseph Beaver
Jacob G. Bergen
William Bloom
James Bowers
Luttwick Braunmiller
William Chamberlain
Alexander Chambers
Alexander Chambers Jr
John Cooper
Thomas Cushman
Benjamin Doty
Moses Edwards
Samuel Elwell
Stephen Ford
Michael Garoutte
Ichabod Grummon
Jeremiah Gustin
Jacob Harriman
Moses Harrison
John Hart
Caleb Hopkins
Richard Hough
Garrett Irons
George Jackson
Richard Laird
John Lanning
John Little
Theophilus Little
John Lloyd
Timothy Meeker
Amos Morse
John Neevling
Christian/Christophe Nevius
Cornelius Newkirk
Zebulon Park
Pike Pike
Richard Poole
Joseph Prudden
Peter Rockefeller Sr
Matthew Rue
William Shreve
William Skinner
Nicholas Sooy
James Sterling
David Stiles
William Stites
Jacob Stull
Peter Sutton
John Van Liew
Crisparius Van Nostrand
John Ward
John Witherspoon