New Hampshire
29 Patriots

Representatives from the 155 towns met in 1775 and in Jan 1776 the Congress adopted a written constitution making Congress the House of Representatives and authorized an upper legislative body, the Council.
Timothy Bailey
Joseph Bartlett
David Batchelder
Isaiah Batchelder
Joseph Chandler
Joseph Cilley Jr
Joshua Copp
Thomsa Davidson
Ebenezer Drury
Zedekiah Drury
Paul Dustin
Ezra Dutton
John Folsom Jr
John Folsom Sr
Samuel Hasty
Oliver Holmes
Humphrey Hook
John Kimball
Robert Mack
William Markham Jr
William Markham Sr
James Norris
Benjamin Pettengill
Enoch Poor
Richard Potter
Asahel Stiles
Caleb Stiles
Francis Verry
Deliverance Woodward